Join us

Its our people who make our organization what it is.
let it be a fresh entrant or an industrial leader.

"Let's Make An Impact Together"


Its our people who make our organization what it is. 作为一个组织,我们受到所有员工贡献的鼓舞, let it be a fresh entrant or an industrial leader. 

Ind-Swift集团提供了一个充满学习和成长机会的培养环境. We focus not only on professional development of our people, but we also invest in building better human beings for the society. 


Time to time we upgrade our procedures, technologies, 制定与新员工能力相匹配的政策和制度,并为每位员工提供平等的学习新技能的机会. 这使组织保持年轻,充满活力,精力充沛,同时经验丰富.

We welcome all the enthusiastic and energetic people, who believe that effort is always bigger than excuse, to come forward, join us and be part of our success story.

Message from Chairman

Dear Growth Collaborators, 

Ind-Swift Laboratories Ltd. has core believe in mutual relationship of Hard work and growth, 因此,组织的发展总是与与我们一起工作的个人的增加合理地联系在一起. 

While keeping the profitability in focus, 我们是一个对社会负责的企业,以诚信为道德原则, Compliance and Reliability. 我们有义务向社会提供具有全球一致质量标准的药品,使人类能够信任和信赖我们的产品. 

Role of our employees in this objective is closely inter-weaved, 因此,我希望你对公司的发展道路保持坚定的信念,并用你所有的知识真诚地为公司的目标做出贡献, skills and abilities. 


Our HR Systems, 程序和政策制度化,以提供最好的照顾人才融入组织,使我们都朝着一个共同的发展方向. 


May you become an important part of 澳门十大正规网站登录’s Growth Story.

Wish you all the best.

N R Munjal (Chairman)
Ind-Swift Laboratories Ltd.

Our Culture

我们始终坚持营造包容共赢的工作环境. We understand that our business requires extremely talented, 有能力和积极进取的员工队伍共同创造了独特的“快速优势”文化.

On grounds of our unique and modern set of HR Practices, 我们被认为是制药行业最受欢迎的雇主之一.


We strongly believe that an organization is what is brought on board by its employees, 因此,我们始终确保每个人在组织中都有平等的机会做出贡献和发展.

Our Offering

We Invest in Future “You”. 

We consider Our employees as our most valuable resources.

On becoming the Team member of Ind-Swift Laboratories Ltd, 我们相信,您会发现澳门十大正规官网登录是一个充满活力和有益的工作场所,我们期待着我们的合作. 

澳门十大正规网站登录的培训模式也采用了最现代的方法设计,重点是将正确的技能传授给正确的员工. At most of the sites the activities of training are SOP regulated.


  • Performance Outcomes of PMS
  • Any New Skill / Updation / Guideline in External Environment
  • Refresher of Skills

Apart from Trainings, 员工还接受各种发展培训(内部和外部),为他们在组织中的未来角色做好准备. The process takes place in guidance of Individual career plan in organization.


  • Summer Internship Program:  为学生完成学业,并需要工业曝光完成现场项目/实习.
  • Corporate Trainee Schemes:  通过“校园招聘”或“校外组织招聘”招聘的学员. 对于那些计划在一段时间内担任重要职位的新人才和高潜力人才,就他们的职业发展而言,需要非常谨慎的对待. 这一计划的目的是通过严格和有组织的征聘程序来指导这些进入组织的在职人员的职业道路,以便在内部发展 & retain our future leaders
  • GETs / DETs (For Engineering, Technical and Science Graduates/ PGs)
  • MTs, ETs and OTs (For Management, Commerce and Secretarial Role)
Ind-Swift Laboratories Ltd.